This advance could be important for fighting lung cancers, as symptoms often appear too late for effective treatment.
This advance could be important for fighting lung cancers, as symptoms often appear too late for effective treatment.
Iverson developed an experimental facility to simulate key characteristics of the space environment.
A weakness believed to exist in Android, Windows and iOS operating systems could be used to obtain personal information from unsuspecting users, research at the University of Michigan has shown.
At MAC, Peter’s been able to combine his passions for scientific research and entrepreneurial creation.
U-M researchers demonstrated a unique terahertz detector and imaging system that could bridge the terahertz gap.
Hao’s research is focused on improving the quality of images from magnetic resonance imaging pulse design.
Mai has served as Community Service Co-chair of the Graduate Society of Women Engineers since arriving at Michigan in 2011.
The research group is using statistical signal processing to create crisper images with only 20% of the data required by a traditional MRI scan.
Instead of a battery, the chip Nathan is engineering uses two solar cells that look like they belong on a calculator.
The chips’ extreme energy efficiency enables them to be powered without a battery from harvested energy sources like vibration, thermal gradients, and more.