The paper addresses how to manage multiple sources so that the user can maximize the information gained from each acoustic source.

The paper addresses how to manage multiple sources so that the user can maximize the information gained from each acoustic source.
Parinaz’s research is in combining communications with economics to assess the security of a network and then apply that to cyber-insurance contracts.
U-M researchers demonstrated a unique terahertz detector and imaging system that could bridge the terahertz gap.
All of the research being presented focuses on getting the absolute best performance from the tiniest circuits, sensors, and electronic devices.
Hao’s research is focused on improving the quality of images from magnetic resonance imaging pulse design.
Mai has served as Community Service Co-chair of the Graduate Society of Women Engineers since arriving at Michigan in 2011.
The research group is using statistical signal processing to create crisper images with only 20% of the data required by a traditional MRI scan.