Satellites give new insights on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plus sources and flows of ocean microplastic.
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Satellites give new insights on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plus sources and flows of ocean microplastic.
The post Tracking ocean microplastics from space appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Systems featuring a ‘membrane-aerated biofilm reactor’ can also remove more nitrogen from treatment plant discharges.
The post Wastewater treatment at one-third the size and cost appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Transformative pilot project in Detroit could help cities across U.S. deal with overdue pipeline upgrades.
The post Sensor technology aims to help US cities extend the life of aging pipelines appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Glen Daigger and his research team are developing a biological system that can capture the phosphorus in the water without use of chemicals.
The post Removing and reusing phosphorus from agricultural runoff appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Findings raise prospects for recycled urine as a more environmentally-friendly fertilizer.
The post ‘Aged’ urine won’t transfer antibiotic resistance when converted to fertilizer appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Engineering students must learn how ‘decentralized’ systems offer flexible, cost-effective solutions that empower communities.
The post In water system engineering, local is the new global appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
About 25 million Bangladeshis face risks of developing skin lesions and cancers due to unsafe levels of arsenic in drinking water.
The post New study finds inaccuracies in arsenic test kits in Bangladesh appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Bi-national study involving UM researcher will aid predictive models.
The post International Antarctic glacier study focuses on sea level changes appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Since 2011, Dr. Bas Buchner has been the president of MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands), the largest independent maritime research institute in the world.
The post 2017 Peachman lecture: Future ship, offshore and nautical research appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Arming infrastructure with smart tech could limit flood damage.
The post Floodproofing cities: $1.8M for smart stormwater project appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.