Satellites give new insights on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plus sources and flows of ocean microplastic.
The post Tracking ocean microplastics from space appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Satellites give new insights on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plus sources and flows of ocean microplastic.
The post Tracking ocean microplastics from space appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Technology could capture household information without recording speech.
The post Less nosy smart speakers appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Why we need greater collaboration among transportation companies, cities, nonprofits and academia.
The post ‘Transportation is a form of freedom’: How to make it more equitable appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Highlight include The Detroit News.
The post In the news: Michigan Engineering experts June 1 – 4 appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
University of Michigan researchers lay out hurdles for tech that could double EV range.
The post Next-gen electric vehicle batteries: These are the questions we still need to answer appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
For more than 25 years, ARC has been a source of technology, modeling, and simulation for the Army’s fleet of vehicles.
The post U-M’s Automotive Research Center is a ‘national strategic asset’ appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
University of Michigan engineers are working to make our electrified future more equitable and avoid the mistakes of the past.
The post Prepping for the revolution appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
How engineers are applying their expertise for future planning.
The post A resilient campus appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Highlights include NPR, Popular Science and The Conversation.
The post In the news: Michigan Engineering experts May 17-21 appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
What should a robot do when it cannot trust the model it was trained on?
The post Helping robots learn what they can and can’t do in new situations appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.