How automated guarantees that our most complex programs are secure and trustworthy can save us time, money, and anxiety.

How automated guarantees that our most complex programs are secure and trustworthy can save us time, money, and anxiety.
This distinction recognizes young researchers with exceptional promise who are having an impact on the world.
Today, over 225 million websites are protected by free certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt.
The winning paper broke open a new area of investigation in hardware-based data leaks.
From his days as an online poker playing undergrad to his current role as a technology developer, Josh has discovered a passion – and built a platform – for online learning.
This is the first time that a team from EECS 494 has signed a funded publishing deal.
The new technique automatically constructs policies for applications that keep them from compromising other programs.
Censored Planet is releasing technical details for other researchers and for activists.
PhD student Emily Sheetz is working to design more dexterous robots to work alongside humans in space.
The award recognizes early career faculty who show great promise in developing future computing technologies.