Microsoft-supported project to coordinate site locations, supply distribution.
The post How big data could optimize COVID-19 testing appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Microsoft-supported project to coordinate site locations, supply distribution.
The post How big data could optimize COVID-19 testing appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Predictive model could help care providers stay safe, anticipate patient needs.
The post Faster than COVID: a computer model that predicts the disease’s next move appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
The algorithm can pick out weak signals from nuclear weapons materials, hidden in ordinary radiation sources like fertilizer.
The post Catching nuclear smugglers: fast algorithm could enable cost-effective detectors at borders appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Predictive modeling could help power companies get more consistent output from renewables.
The post Making wind power more predictable: A Q&A with Eunshin Byon appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Virtually visit (what should be) desolate intersections around the world during COVID-19.
The post Live public street cams are tracking social distancing appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
How changing the rules of computing could lighten Big Data’s impact on the internet.
The post Big data, small footprint appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Tunable semiconductor could lead to faster, more efficient computers.
The post Post-silicon computing gets one step closer appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Thin film transistors stacked on top of a state-of-the-art silicon chip could help shrink electronics while improving performance.
The post Beyond Moore’s Law: taking transistor arrays into the third dimension appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
A Q&A with J. Alex Halderman, who co-founded the nonprofit organization.
The post How Let’s Encrypt doubled the percentage of secure websites in four years appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Researchers identified a vulnerability that allows a microphone to ‘unwittingly listen to light as if it were sound’
The post A laser pointer could hack your voice-controlled virtual assistant appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.