“What I’m doing is trying to come up with ideas to let the agent continue learning different skills across its life.”
“What I’m doing is trying to come up with ideas to let the agent continue learning different skills across its life.”
Data gleaned from cameras and sensors increases predictive accuracy.
The post Teaching self-driving cars to predict pedestrian movement appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
A diverse group of leaders in technology, research, policy, and industry assemble to drive development of a critical climate solution.
The post Global CO2 Initiative announces advisory board appeared first on Engineering Research News.
Human-generated responses could remotely assist autonomous vehicles decision’s during times of uncertainty.
The post ‘Air traffic control’ for driverless cars could speed up deployment appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
The new inductees join 33 other University of Michigan members.
The post Three professors inducted into NAE appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
In an approach that won’t disrupt consumers, researchers will tackle two of the biggest issues in the energy industry.
The post How air conditioners could advance a renewable power grid appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
In the world of humans, Brian Russell is a regular blue-collar guy. Stocky with a shaved head, black-rimmed glasses and a tightly trimmed Van Dyke, he pulls down steady hours at his job installing security systems. Every night, he drives his old green Jeep home to a freshly planted subdivision of modest ranch houses outside […]
The post Built by humans. Ruled by computers. appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Prof. Robert Dick and advisee Ekdeep Singh Lubana developed a new technique that significantly improves the efficiency of machine vision applications
Mathieu will develop optimization and control methods to leverage the flexibility available from distributed energy resources.
McDonald works to develop better privacy and security tools for marginalized communities