New technology provides a contactless method to add respiratory rate and heart rate to temperature readings .

New technology provides a contactless method to add respiratory rate and heart rate to temperature readings .
Medical giant Johnson & Johnson and federal HHS select U-M design with “minimal impact on daily life.”
The post Personal cold plasma “air curtain” design for COVID-19 protection moves forward appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
Glen Daigger and his research team are developing a biological system that can capture the phosphorus in the water without use of chemicals.
The post Removing and reusing phosphorus from agricultural runoff appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
In a project funded by National Geographic, ECE researchers are teaming up with the department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology to advance our understanding of monarch butterfly migration with the most ambitious iteration of the Michigan Micro Mote yet.
PhD student Emily Sheetz is working to design more dexterous robots to work alongside humans in space.
The American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists recognizes Love’s achievements with the Science Award.
The post Nancy Love honored with national award for outstanding environmental engineering education and research appeared first on Engineering Research News.
Expert advice for voting in an unprecedented election.
The post 5 ways Americans can keep their vote secure and accurate appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.
ECE master’s student Conner Stevons completed a remote internship at the NASA Glenn Research Center where he worked on Marconi 2.0, NASA’s plan to bridge quantum technology with a telecommunications system.
The award recognizes early career faculty who show great promise in developing future computing technologies.
Amid six months of tumult and chaos, engineering researchers moved quickly and collaboratively with public health officials, producing vital research in the fight against COVID-19.
The post Stress test appeared first on Michigan Engineering News.